Connect Parent is an evidenced-based psychoeducation class developed in Canada. Currently Connect Parent is taught in six languages on four continents! Connect is a 10-week, manualized, attachment-based, trauma-informed parenting group intervention. It is designed for parents of pre-adolescents and adolescents who struggle with significant behavioral or mental health challenges.
There has been extensive research demonstrating that this program can effectively promote the mental health and wellbeing of both youth and parents, improve parent-child relationship, and reduce caregiving stress. Recently Connect was rated by the California Evidence Based Clearinghouse (CEBC) for Child Welfare, and ranked at the highest level of program evidence – Level 1 “Well Supported by Evidence”, making it one of the very few trauma informed, attachment-based approaches to support vulnerable teens and their families to have demonstrated this level of empirical support and scope/sustainability of implementation, and this breadth of application across diverse cultures and contexts. (Note: CEBC is a USA-based organization for evidence-based programs and it offers a rigorous review of programs to ensure that those implemented are the highest caliber and most likely to be effective.) Efficacy studies show that this class is reported to be effective up to two years post class. To learn more about this program:
I currently offer this class to caregivers, organizations, Department of Human Services, in an online format. This promotes the capacity for the caregivers to remain in the comfort of their home without worry regarding childcare of travel.
If you would like more information about classes starting soon, please contact [email protected]